Basic Conditions
Failure to comply with the following stated terms in this section means immediate termination of sponsorship.
- Under no circumstances shall this sponsorship be interpreted as sponsorship from Facebook or any of Facebook's subsidiaries. Computerization leaders have the responsibility to clarify this fact whenever necessary.
- This document must be published and kept public on a GitHub repository. Once published, this section cannot be changed for any reason, except for fixing typos.
- Everything Computerization developed should be made open source to the public with one of the licenses listed on the Choose A License website. This includes everything Computerization, as a group, helps to develop. This clause effectively prohibits Computerization to work on any closed source projects. However, this limitation does not apply to individuals in Computerization.
- Computerization must remain independent, where independence is defined as Computerization having
the right and power to make decisions without seeking prior approval of any higher authority, as
long as the conditions specified in this document are not violated. The required conditions
- Implement or reject any project ideas.
- Accept or reject any sponsorship.
- Control its collected data.
- Choose its technology stack.
- Deploy its services at any time.